P.O. BOX 306
CLWSD Newsletter #5 – April 2002
This newsletter is being mailed to all property owners within the Crane Lake Water and Sanitary District and other interested parties. It provides a summary of the Board of Managers activities and related requirements for Board decisions.
Work continues on Stage III of the Rural Development funding process. The option to purchase the Potlatch property for the treatment plant site is being exercised. The Minnesota Historical Society easement is in process for the outflow discharge line. The U.S. Forest Service is preparing permits to allow the road, power line and pipelines to the plant site. In addition, letters related to easements have been sent to the property owners. The Board’s objective is to receive Rural Development’s legal approval of the loan by August 1st as this will allow the start of construction in 2002.
The Board is receiving questions and comments from property owners in response to the recent letter related to easement placements. The questions and comments will be listed and addressed by the Board at the next Board meeting on April 17th. The Board intends to respond to all questions and comments although some may require investigation and future Board action.
A bank loan has been secured by the Board to cover some currently overdue charges from our engineer, attorney and the firm that performed the preliminary pipeline drilling. It will also be necessary to pay Potlatch for the treatment plant land site. The bank loan will be paid when the Rural Development loan is approved.
RLK-Kuusisto, our engineering firm, has submitted an initial annual budget for the first full year of operation of the Gold Coast utility. The budget included the assumptions used in calculating the budget amounts. This full year budget amount of $95,000 is very comparable to a similar budget prepared by Board member Mike White one year ago. The final budget will be a key player in determining the monthly rate schedule.
An Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) is the amount of wastewater (gallons) generated by one family living in a single dwelling. All wastewater processed by the plant is converted into EDUs regardless of the source. Sources include restaurants, bars, mobile homes, houseboats, etc. The Board is now working with RLK-Kuusisto in developing a list of EDUs that includes all properties and defines the assumptions used to calculate EDUs at each property. The EDUs will be another key in determining the rate schedule.
The Board continues to work toward the objective of providing a cost effective system that protects the environment. This has recently included two Board meetings per month with a one-hour study session before each meeting. Upcoming Board meetings will be April 17th and May 1st. Board meetings start at 7:30PM and are held at the Crane Lake Chapel Fellowship Hall. Your interest and involvement could help the Board achieve the objective.
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Board of Managers:
Deena Congdon 993-2269 Darrell Scott 993-2378
David Dill 993-2252 * Mike White 993-2424
Jim Sanborn 993-2404
*Newsletter Writer